Thursday 4 February 2010


I love snow. Apart from when you don't wear gloves. You get a a tingling thingy called hotaches i think. Anyway, today of all days i forget my gloves when it snows. Did i stop throwing snowballs? No. I lobbed one that happened to have a stone in it and smashed the headteachers window. Spending the afternoon getting knackered by the head didn't really light my day up. At least i missed maths. And science. And the bus home. To me this is a normal day in the life of Joe Shemeld.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Day One of the Blog...

I would like to start of by saying Hi to everyone, even though i won't be getting many followers seeing as all my mates stay on Xbox Live all day. Hopefully for the few reading this, you will enjoy what i post. First i would like to start off with a little story or something that has... i can't explain it. So just read it.

5 Years ago i went football training with a few mates of mine to a local club. There were no games, just training. After a few months, a kid about my height ( small ) named Steven Tate started to play. I admit he was pretty good, and we became mates together. We went to seperate schools, so we only saw each other on the Saturday. Soon enough we joined a proper Sunday League team, and played every weekend together. I quit the team after about a year to join another, so i never saw him again. When i went secondary school a few years later, i was pretty shocked with when i saw him. He was about 5ft 6, and was the best player in all the school. He has had trials with Doncaster Rovers, but still plays with the same team we both did before. Now i sit next to him in science. He is proper popular, where as i am just the annoying little kid who can't tell jokes.

Ironic Huh.